* equal contribution

  • Gyaltshen Y.*, Rozenberg A.*, Paasch A., Burns J., Warring S., Larson R., et al. (2023) Long-read-based genome assembly reveals numerous endogenous viral elements in the green algal bacterivore Cymbomonas tetramitiformis. Genome Biology and Evolution, in revision. (bioinformatic analyses of viral elements, genome annotation).

  • Mannen K., Nagata T., Rozenberg A., Konno M., del Carmen Marín M., Bagherzadeh R., et al. (2023) Multiple roles of a conserved glutamate residue for unique biophysical properties in a new group of microbial rhodopsins homologous to TAT rhodopsin. Journal of Molecular Biology, accepted. (data mining, metagenomic analysis, phylogenetic analysis).

  • Oppermann J., Rozenberg A., Fabrin T., Gonzalez Cabrera C., Béjà O., Prigge M., Hegemann P. (2023) Robust optogenetic inhibition with red-light-sensitive anion-conducting channelrhodopsins. Elife, preprint. (data mining, phylogenetic analysis).

  • Bar-Shalom R.*, Rozenberg A.*, Lahyani M., Hassanzadeh B., Sahoo G., Haber M., Burgsdorf I., Tang X., Squatrito V., Gomez-Consarnau L., Béjà O., Steindler L. (2023) Rhodopsin-mediated nutrient uptake by cultivated photoheterotrophic Verrucomicrobiota. ISME Journal 17: 1063–1073 doi:10.1038/s41396-023-01412-1 (shared first, genomics, phylogenetic analyses, metagenomics)

  • Hanna R., Rozenberg A., Saied L., Ben-Yosef D., Lavy T., Kleifeld O. (2023) In-depth characterization of apoptosis N-terminome reveals a link between caspase-3 cleavage and posttranslational N-terminal acetylation. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 22: 100584 doi:10.1016/j.mcpro.2023.100584 (programming)

  • Chazan A.*, Das I.*, Fujiwara T.*, Murakoshi S.*, Rozenberg A.*, Molina-Márquez A., Sano F., Tanaka T., Gómez-Villegas P., Larom S., Pushkarev A., Malakar P., Hasegawa M., Tsukamoto Y., Ishizuka T., Konno M., Nagata T., Mizuno Y., Katayama K., Abe-Yoshizumi R., Ruhman S., Inoue K., Kandori H., León R., Shihoya W., Yoshizawa S., Sheves M., Nureki O., Béjà O. (2023). Phototrophy by antenna-containing rhodopsin pumps in aquatic environments. Nature 615: 535–540 doi:10.1038/s41586-023-05774-6 (shared first, bioinformatic analyses)

  • Roitman S., Rozenberg A., Lavy T., Brussaard C.P.D., Kleifeld O., Béjà O. (2023) Isolation and infection cycle of a polinton-like virus virophage in an abundant marine alga. Nature Microbiology 8: 332–346 doi:10.1038/s41564-022-01305-7 (sequencing, genome assembly, remote homology, phylogeny)

  • Vierock J., Peter E., Grimm C., Rozenberg A., Chen I., Tillert L., Castro Scalise A., Casini M., Augustin S., Tanese D., Forget B., Peyronnet R., Schneider-Warme F., Emiliani V., Béjà O., Hegemann P. (2022) WiChR, a highly potassium-selective channelrhodopsin for low-light one- and two-photon inhibition of excitable cells. Science Advances 8(49): eadd7729 doi:10.1126/sciadv.add7729 (data collection, phylogeny)

  • Rozenberg A.*, Kaczmarczyk I.*, Matzov D.*, Vierock J.*, Nagata T., Sugiura M., Katayama K., Kawasaki Y., Konno M., Nagasaka Y., Aoyama M., Das I., Pahima E., Church J., Adam S., Borin V.A., Chazan A., Augustin S., Wietek J., Dine J., Peleg Y., Kawanabe A., Fujiwara Y., Yizhar O., Sheves M., Schapiro I., Furutani Y., Kandori H., Inoue K., Hegemann P., Béjà O., Shalev-Benami M. (2022) Rhodopsin-bestrophin fusion proteins from unicellular algae form gigantic pentameric ion channels. Nature Structural & Molecular Biology 29:592–603 doi:10.1038/s41594-022-00783-x (initial discovery, bioinformatic analyses, project coordination, writing)

  • Hososhima S., Mizutori R., Abe-Yoshizumi R., Rozenberg A., Shigemura S., Pushkarev A., Konno M., Katayama K., Inoue K., Tsunoda S.P., Béjà O., Kandori H. (2022) Proton-transporting heliorhodopsins from marine giant viruses. eLife 11:e78416 doi:10.7554/eLife.78416 (phylogeny, bioinformatic support)

  • Chazan A.*, Rozenberg A.*, Mannen K., Nagata T., Tahan R., Yaish S., Larom S., Inoue K., Béjà O., Pushkarev A. (2022) Diverse heliorhodopsins detected via functional metagenomics in freshwater Actinobacteria, Chloroflexi and Archaea. Environmental Microbiology 24:110–121 doi:10.1111/1462-2920.15890 (shared first, assembly, annotation, statistical analyses, writing)

  • Rozenberg A.*, Inoue K.*, Kandori H., Béjà O. (2021) Microbial rhodopsins: the last two decades. Annual Review of Microbiology 75:427–447 doi:10.1146/annurev-micro-031721-020452

  • Sahu I., Mali S., Sulkshane P., Xu C., Rozenberg A., Morag R., Sahoo M., Singh S., Ding Z., Wang Y., Day S., Cong Y., Kleifeld O., Brik A., Glickman M. (2021) The 20S as a stand-alone proteasome in cells can degrade the ubiquitin tag. Nature Communications 12: 6173 doi:10.1038/s41467-021-26427-0 (statistical analyses)

  • Bock N.A., Charvet S., Burns J., Gyaltshen Y., Rozenberg A., Duhamel S., Kim E. (2021) Experimental identification and in silico prediction of bacterivory in green algae. The ISME Journal 15(7):1987–2000 doi:10.1038/s41396-021-00899-w (data collection)

  • Rozenberg A., Oppermann J., Wietek J., Fernandez Lahore R.G., Sandaa R.-A., Bratbak G., Hegemann P., Béjà O. (2020) Lateral gene transfer of anion-conducting channelrhodopsins between green algae and giant viruses. Current Biology 30(24):4910–4920 doi:10.1016/j.cub.2020.09.056 (initial discovery, genome assembly, bioinformatic analyses)

  • Dömel J.S., Dietz L., Macher T.-H., Rozenberg A., Mayer C., Spaak J.M., Melzer R.R., Leese F. (2020) Analyzing drivers of speciation in the Southern Ocean using the sea spider species complex Colossendeis megalonyx as a test case. Polar Biology 43(4):319–342 doi:10.1007/s00300-020-02636-z (statistical analyses)

  • Dömel J.S., Macher T.-H., Dietz L., Duncan S., Mayer C., Rozenberg A., Wolcott K., Leese F., Melzer R.R. (2019) Combining morphological and genomic evidence to resolve species diversity and study speciation processes of the Pallenopsis patagonica (Pycnogonida) species complex. Frontiers in Zoology 16:36 doi:10.1186/s12983-019-0316-y (statistical analyses)

  • Nadel O., Rozenberg A., Flores-Uribe J., Larom S., Schwarz R., Béjà O. (2018) An uncultured marine cyanophage encodes an active phycobilisome proteolysis adaptor protein NblA. Environmental Microbiology Reports 11:848–854 doi:10.1111/1758-2229.12798 (bioinformatic analyses)

  • Macher J.N., Leese F., Weigand A.M., Rozenberg A. (2017) The complete mitochondrial genome of a cryptic amphipod species from the Gammarus fossarum complex. Mitochondrial DNA Part B 2:17–18 doi:10.1080/23802359.2016.1275844 (assembly, phylogenetic analysis)

  • Dzyubenko E., Rozenberg A., Hermann D.M., Faissner A. (2016) Colocalization of synapse marker proteins evaluated by STED-microscopy reveals patterns of neuronal synapse distribution in vitro. Journal of Neuroscience Methods 273:149–159 doi:10.1016/j.jneumeth.2016.09.001 (programming)

  • Rozenberg A., Leese F., Weiss L.C., Tollrian R. (2016) Digital gene expression analysis with sample multiplexing and PCR duplicate detection: A straightforward protocol. BioTechniques 61:26–32 doi:10.2144/000114434 (wet-lab work, programming, data analysis, writing)

  • Rozenberg A., Brand P., Rivera N., Leese F., Schubart C.D. (2015) Fossilized relatives of the White Spot Syndrome Virus (WSSV) in decapod genomes. BMC Evolutionary Biology 15:142 doi:10.1186/s12862-015-0380-7 (bioinformatic analyses, wet-lab work, writing)

  • Rozenberg A., Parida M., Leese F., Weiss L., Tollrian R., Manak J.R. (2015). Transcriptional profiling of predator-induced phenotypic plasticity in Daphnia pulex. Frontiers in Zoology 12:18 doi:10.1186/s12983-015-0109-x (wet-lab work, differential expression analysis, writing)

  • Macher J.M., Rozenberg A., Pauls S.U., Tollrian R., Wagner R., Leese F. (2015) Assessing the phylogeographic history of the montane caddisfly Thremma gallicum: a comparison of sequence data from mitochondria and restriction-site associated DNA markers (RAD). Ecology and Evolution 5:648–662 doi:/10.1002/ece3.1366 (statistical analyses)

  • Schweyen H., Rozenberg A., Leese F. (2014) Detection and removal of PCR duplicates in population genomic ddRAD studies by addition of a degenerate base region (DBR) in sequencing adapters. Biological Bulletin 227:146–160 doi:10.1086/BBLv227n2p146 (project design, analyses, writing)

  • Leese F., Brand P., Rozenberg A. et al (2012) Exploring Pandora’s Box: Potential and pitfalls of low coverage genome surveys for evolutionary biology. PLoS ONE 7:e49202 doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0049202 (bioinformatic analyses)

  • Tchesunov A.V., Rozenberg A.A. (2011) Data on the life cycle of parasitic benthimermithid nematodes with the description of a new species discovered in marine aquaria. Russian Journal of Nematology 19:139–150 (initial discovery, field work)

  • Tchesunov, A.V., Rozenberg A.A., Aleshin, V.V. (2009). Position of Benthimermithidae (parasites of marine invertebrates) as derived from morphological and molecular data. Russian Journal of Nematology 17: 162.

  • Khaitov V.M., Rozenberg A.A., Terovskaya E.V. (2007) Morphological differences between females of different Jaera species (Crustacea: Asellota: Isopoda) in the White Sea: a possible solution to an old problem. Marine Biology 150:1205–1214 doi:10.1007/s00227-006-0450-x (experimental work, statistical analysis)